Guardian Angel — Shared Autonomy Safety System for Drivers with Compromised Cognitive Capabilities

<p>As we journey through the data highways of the 21st century, it&rsquo;s impossible to ignore the demographic shift that&rsquo;s shaping our roadways. By 2030, the global population of individuals aged 65+ is projected to hit&nbsp;<strong>1.4 billion</strong>, and with it comes an inevitable surge in cognitive impairments. Statistics paint a stark picture: over&nbsp;<strong>50 million</strong>&nbsp;people worldwide are living with dementia, a number set to&nbsp;<strong>triple&nbsp;</strong>by 2050 according to the World Health Organization. Moreover, in the United States alone, over&nbsp;<strong>5 million</strong>&nbsp;people are living with Alzheimer&rsquo;s, a condition that profoundly challenges one&rsquo;s ability to navigate everyday tasks, including driving.</p> <p>Amidst the acceleration towards autonomous driving, the elusive goal of Level 5 autonomy &mdash; an entirely driverless experience &mdash; remains distant. Technical, ethical, and regulatory complexities temper this vision. An essential milestone on this journey is an advanced driver monitoring system, not only detecting impairments but seamlessly engaging with Level 2 autonomous systems to gauge driver attentiveness. This technology bridges the chasm between human limitations and automation&rsquo;s potential.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Guardian Angel