Tag: Alchemist

100 powerful quotes from the book: The Alchemist

They say wisdom meets you where you’re at. You won’t understand anything above your current level of comprehension. That’s what happened when I read The Alchemist for the first time, three years ago. I was able to comprehend only a little from the story. But then I ...

100 powerful quotes from the book: The Alchemist

They say wisdom meets you where you’re at. You won’t understand anything above your current level of comprehension. That’s what happened when I read The Alchemist for the first time, three years ago. I was able to comprehend only a little from the story. But then I ...

Discoveries after reading Alchemist 3 times

One thing I learned going through a transformation in 2023 is: The personal legend is not achieved but fulfilled. Everyone is born with their personal legend. And the capacity of that personal legend is similar to something we coin as a person’s “dish” in Korea...

15 Lessons Learnt by Reading The Alchemist in Portuguese (original language)

As for myself, (1) I like reading because I am passionate about learning new things (otherwise, you will live only in your limited world). (2) As much as I would like to read, I haven’t been able to catch up with my book lists (although I read around 30 articles per week), because I use the li...