Tag: Airbnb

Unlocking SwiftUI at Airbnb

When constructing an app’s user interface (UI), the choice of framework is incredibly important. The right UI framework can make an app feel smooth, responsive, even delightful, while a UI framework that doesn’t match an app’s needs can make it feel sluggish and broken. This princi...

SwiftUI at Airbnb: A Case Study

In recent years, SwiftUI has been making waves in the world of iOS app development. It represents a significant shift in how developers approach building user interfaces for Apple’s platforms. One company that has embraced this technology and reaped the benefits is Airbnb. In this article, ...

Analysis of Amsterdam Airbnb Data

Hello friends and fellow data science enthusiasts, Colorful streets, bicycles, amazing night and a jaw-dropping architecture. What does it remind you of ? Yes, its Amsterdam. I recently got a chance to analyse Airbnb data for Amsterdam and it was a great learning for me. I would love to share ...

This is why an Amsterdam Airbnb Listing is Expensive

Airbnb is an online marketplace and hospitality providing members with short term lodging that is comparably cheaper than hotels. It offers a variety of properties such as hostels, boat, cottage or a full apartment. In this post, I am using Data science, analysis and Python based on the CRIS...

Do you plan to visit Amsterdam? What do you need to know about Airbnb in Amsterdam?

How many times you thought about visiting any European top destination city, finally bought a ticket and then postponed booking of the accommodation? Honestly, I did it many times. Due to the fact that I don’t want to book the accommodation randomly, so I need to do some research about the cit...

This Is What You Should Know When Travelling to the Netherlands With Airbnb

In the last period, I was considering moving to The Netherlands. I always heard that the countries in the North of Europe are the happiest in the world. Also, I read about their great culture, people, and tech opportunities (yes, I work in tech). In the end, I said to myself that it would be a great...

Notice board clarification Airbnb legal or not in Thailand

Day/week rentals are not allowed and illegal.if you are one who do not know the law in Thailand please report to the Juristic person office immediately.Traveller who do not report to the juristic person will be sent to the police station as trespasser and prosecuted by maximum law.Resident who find ...

Statistical Overview of Barcelona’s Airbnb Market

This article follows an exploratory data analysis of Barcelona’s Airbnb economy. Airbnb is extremely popular in Barcelona and works parallel to the big hotel industry. Forbes mentions Barcelona is now the third-biggest city for Airbnb rentals in Europe behind Paris and London and the...

Ever wanted to offer an Airbnb apartment in Barcelona?

Barcelona is without doubt one of the most beautiful cities in the world — as far as I know. For me, it is a symbol of very kind humans, a mild sea climate and delicious Mediterranean food. Therefore, it might be worth considering to buy a property in this beautiful city and rent it out as ...

Boston Airbnb Trends: From Pricing to Popularity

The City of Boston, with its rich history, vibrant neighborhoods, and diverse culture, has earned its place as one of the most iconic cities in the United States. In this blog, we will reveal valuable insights that can enhance the experiences of both travelers and hosts in the city. Airbnb, the p...

Insights into the Boston Airbnb Market

Airbnb has become a global sensation, revolutionizing the way people plan and enjoy vacations. With over 150 million users worldwide and six check-ins every second, the platform’s popularity is undeniable. To further enhance this exceptional service, analyzing data and identifying key trends i...

Analyzing Buenos Aires Airbnb Data

Airbnb can be considered nowadays the largest hotel chain and is disrupting the tourism industry in the entire world. In 2007, during a weekend when hotels in San Francisco were sold out for a conference, Brian Chesky and Joes Gebbia host on their own apartment the first guests of Airbedandb...

Airbnb İstanbul

In this project, it is desired to estimate the price of Airbnb’s under 3000 TL(Turkish Lira) in İstanbul. The raw data consists of 74 variables. Removed unused data such as ‘picture_id,url_id,description’. In total there are 30 variables left. Missing data (NaN) was deleted ...

Analyzing Airbnb Data— Mexico City

Taking advantage of the FIFA World Cup atmosphere, I will analyze data from one of the cities that will host the competition in 2026, Mexico City. Mexico City, besides being the capital of Mexico, is one of the world’s great tourist centers, registering 31.9 million international tourists i...

Horrible Airbnb Experience? Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting a refund.

This was my recent experience with CheckMyGuest. CheckMyGuest is a €1.5 billion group who claims to have had hosted 950,000 travelers (proof) in 2022. Despite their size, their level of negligence, incompetence and lack of basic customer service makes even the worst fleabag motel look like...

Living and Dying on Airbnb

The rope swing looked inviting. Photos of it on Airbnb brought my family to the cottage in Texas. Hanging from a tree as casually as baggy jeans, the swing was the essence of leisure, of Southern hospitality, of escape. When my father decided to give it a try on Thanksgiving morning, the trunk ...

Sectioning Airbnb Neighborhoods in Tokyo: Survey the Surroundings

Despite rising tension with the government authority in recent years, Tokyo has been a growing market for property owners renting out their space for the public; 民泊 or minpaku as they would call in Japanese. Airbnb, just as in other major cities, is among the popular platforms to find ...

Airbnb Optimization For 2024: Everything You Need to Do to Be Successful

If you’re looking to optimize your Airbnb listing for success in 2024, you’ve come to the right place. This article will provide you with everything you need to know, from crafting compelling titles and descriptions to leveraging advanced technology and mastering the art of guest reviews...

Airbnb Multiple Listings: The Ultimate Guide for Hosts

Airbnb Multiple Listings: The Ultimate Guide for Hosts Are you ready to level up your Airbnb hosting game and maximize those bookings and profits? Well, you’ve come to the right place! One of the most potent strategies in the Airbnb universe is creating multiple listings for your property. ...