Unlocking SwiftUI at Airbnb

<p>When constructing an app&rsquo;s user interface (UI), the choice of framework is incredibly important. The right UI framework can make an app feel smooth, responsive, even delightful, while a UI framework that doesn&rsquo;t match an app&rsquo;s needs can make it feel sluggish and broken. This principle extends to developer experience as well; a UI framework with well-designed APIs can enable engineers to express themselves fluently, efficiently, and correctly, while one with the wrong abstractions or inconsistent APIs can make engineers&rsquo; jobs more difficult by slowing them down with unnecessary complexity.</p> <p>At Airbnb, we want our mobile apps to provide a world-class user experience&nbsp;<em>and</em>&nbsp;a world-class developer experience. This desire led us to build our own UI framework named&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/airbnb-engineering/introducing-epoxy-for-ios-6bf062be1670" rel="noopener">Epoxy</a>&nbsp;in 2016. Epoxy is a declarative UI framework, which means that engineers describe&nbsp;<em>what</em>&nbsp;their UI should be structured like for a given screen state and the framework then figures out&nbsp;<em>how</em>&nbsp;to make updates to the view hierarchy to render the screen contents. Epoxy uses UIKit under the hood to render views.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/airbnb-engineering/unlocking-swiftui-at-airbnb-ea58f50cde49"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: SwiftUI Airbnb