Tag: Affects

How My iPhone and Mac Usage Affects My Daily Life

Hey friends! In the 21st century, technologies have been a big part of our daily lives and as a Malaysian, if I walk into the subway of Kuala Lumpur, I’d bet my last dollar that at least 7 out of 10 people inside are glued to their phones or electronic devices. Yep, I’m actuall...

Yes, testosterone affects crying.

When it comes to how humans feel and express themselves, some people don’t want to admit that sex hormones matter. Other people don’t want to admit that society also matters. And there seem to be only two extremes — walk on eggshells about it, or scream about those who do. The w...

Here’s How Nicotine Affects Your Brain

Everyone is talking about the potential harms of vaping, and for good reason. One in four high schoolers report having used an e-cigarette in the past month, a 135% increase from just two years ago. Even more concerning, at least 42 people have died and thousands more have fallen ill from ...

How do psychedelics affect the brain?

In recent years there has been a renaissance of research into the use of psychedelics for the treatment of a wide array of psychopathologies. Mental health concerns as various as mood disorders, anxiety disorders, body-image disorders, addiction, and others have all been shown to be amenable to psyc...

How Beauty Affects Women’s Self-Esteem

Looking and feeling pretty is something many ladies think about. It’s not just about how you look; it’s also about how you feel about yourself. Introduction Feeling good about yourself is important for ladies. It helps with your relationships, work, and how happy you are. Unders...

How Lying Affects Linguistic Expression

Have you ever been lied to? The answer to that question is, of course, yes. You have likely even accepted lying as a fact of daily life. Lies come in all sizes and varieties, and for many people, social norms enforce simple lies in everyday conversation (How often are you actually doing well when...