Tag: Actually

Things That Actually Matter in This World

Rong Liang Chia is battling stage three Pancreatic cancer. Most patients with Stage III pancreatic cancer will develop a recurrence of their cancer after surgery. According to one medical website: “The majority of patients with Stage III disease have micrometastases that cannot be...

How Being a Nobody Actually Makes You a Somebody

When we contemplate the universe, we tend to consider ourselves as the centre of it. Our daily experiences project an image back to us that we are the reason the Earth spins on its axis, the be-all and end-all, the lifeblood without which the whole world would descend into a state of disrepair. ...

Asking the Terrifying Question, What If I’m Actually Incapable of Love?

I’ve experienced moments of being undeniably and wholly consumed with love — in family, friendship, romance, nature, creativity, and spiritual pursuits. We’re talkin moved to tears, love. Feel it in my bones, love. Capital L love. However, I’ve also felt periodic moment...

4 Everyday One-Minute Habits That Actually Improved My Life in 6 Months

You can change your life in six months. I know it’s a bold statement, but I have proof to back it up. In the last six months, I wrote more than 100 articles that made a lot of money. I achieved my dream of making writing my full-time job. I became a top writer on 10+ topics. I w...

Things That Actually Matter in This World

Rong Liang Chia is battling stage three Pancreatic cancer. Most patients with Stage III pancreatic cancer will develop a recurrence of their cancer after surgery. According to one medical website: “The majority of patients with Stage III disease have micrometastases that cannot be...

How Being a Nobody Actually Makes You a Somebody

When we contemplate the universe, we tend to consider ourselves as the centre of it. Our daily experiences project an image back to us that we are the reason the Earth spins on its axis, the be-all and end-all, the lifeblood without which the whole world would descend into a state of disrepair. ...

Is Obsidian actually Worth it ?

When I came across this video, I had discovered Obsidian barely a month ago. A month I’d just spent fine-tuning my new vault. A vault that I still hadn’t managed to use as effectively as I’d dreamed. A vault that this frightfully perceptive individual had just demonstrated point by...

How to draw comics when you can’t actually draw.

So, you can’t draw and you’re not funny, but you want to draw comics. Well, great news: You don’t have to be able to draw, nor be particularly funny in order to draw comics. Here’s how: A Pen. First of all you’re going to need a pen. You know what? You don&r...

Is it just me or is iPhone 15 Pro Max actually working fine?

I’ve been using my iPhone 15 Pro Max now for a little over a week and I have barely a bad word to say about it. The odd thing is though, it feels as if it’s me alone that has had zero problems. Looking at Twitter (X) and forums many users seem to have been beset with issues. I was ...

Day 7 and 8: Actually arriving in Thailand — and thoughts on things

Thank goodness there are always people in a group who are willing to take on the temporary duty of a Social Committee. Lautaro Spotorno did it for us at the end of Week 1 and came up with a great program for the one long weekend we have here (Chulalongkorn Day). On Friday evening, i...

Get Paid $75+ Per Hour Just Watching TikTok Videos: 3 Methods That Actually Work

You’d never guess money-making potential exists tucked between TikTok’s endless scroll of dancing dogs and comedy sketches. But cashing checks simply screening viral vids ranks completely possible...in fact, profitable hourly rates meet or exceed professional wages! This post unveils ...

Actually Autistic? Whatever Doesn’t Kill Your Unique Neurodivergent Ass…

Toxic Positivity is a modern cultural plague. It just keeps you buying stuff. And working harder and harder… to buy more stuff. Religion for consumers. This kind of positivity is not spiritual. Or uplifting. Just one more yardstick measuring my failures. Inspiring movie by inspirin...

A list of traits that people don’t realise are #ActuallyAutistic

I wasn’t diagnosed as autistic until age 41 in 2021. What I thought was autism was the stereotype you see in the media of the non-speaking rocking and hand-flapping white boy, or the incorrect stereotypes such as Rainman (actually a savant), and the stereotypes I didn’t relate to such as...

Is the Real Problem With Pronouns Actually People?

They were annoyed. And so was I, honestly. They were annoyed they had to put up with a “special snowflake”. I was annoyed they were making a big deal out of this. But I’m also quite confrontation avoidant, so instead I’ve turned my imagined response into an article. The...

How energy healing actually works

It’s the difference between learning how to play chess through practice, and learning by reading a book on chess techniques. Techniques are useless without practice, but at some point once you’ve got the feel for it, you can drastically improve your game by learning technique. These tech...

Professionalism is White Supremacy, Actually

Professionalism not only encourages but necessarily requires that we follow the status quo. And that status quo is a reflection of our late-capitalist, patriarchal, and racist society. It was created for and by white men, and it loathes individuality. We must be placed in neat boxes labeled with our...

Actually Autistic: “Women are Scared of You and Men Aren't Attracted to You”

I didn't fathom the incredible amount of positive response I would receive from this story and am grateful for the opportunity to have connected and shared with so many who vulnerably resonated with my message and experience. There was one comment, however, that knocked me a bit off-kilter, n...

Does CBD Actually Do Anything?

Afew weeks ago, I was complaining to a friend about feeling especially stressed out. (Shocking in this era, I know.) Later that day, she sweetly dropped off a care package, including a bag of peach-flavored CBD gummies. For those with a vague sense of what that means, CBD is a phyt...