Tag: Acts

Random Acts of Democracy

At first blush this is a remarkable assertion. Our faith in democracy is shaken when elections dangle on the vagaries of a hanging chad. Or settled precedent is abruptly overturned by a partisan court. We are justifiably outraged when innocence depends on on zip code. Or the latest twitter meme. ...

Learn to Protect Your Investment: How Recording Acts Secure Purchasers

As you have read in our previous articles on real estate issues, the legal landscape of property transactions is complex, and one area that stands out is the function and impact of recording acts. These laws play an important role in safeguarding the interests of Bona Fide Purchasers ...

Abortion: That’s A You Problem

The desperation to belong will make you commit crazy acts. Like willingly walking into a polling booth and punching the hole next to Trump. When I married my husband, I became what I needed to be to create and maintain the family I wanted. I wholly committed to it — grew into it — for...