Learn to Protect Your Investment: How Recording Acts Secure Purchasers

<p>As you have read in our previous articles on real estate issues, the legal landscape of property transactions is complex, and one area that stands out is&nbsp;<strong><em>the function and impact of recording acts</em></strong>. These laws play an important role in safeguarding the interests of&nbsp;<strong><em>Bona Fide Purchasers</em></strong>&nbsp;<strong><em>(&ldquo;BFP&rdquo;)</em></strong>&mdash; individuals who buy property in good faith. Our discussion will include some hypothetical scenarios to understand the problems recording acts address, define who is protected by these acts, explore the three types of recording acts, and finally, touch upon chain of title issues and some additional important points.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@kemal.lepshoq/recording-acts-and-the-protection-of-bona-fide-purchasers-47be26817f76"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Acts Secure