Tag: activists

30+ diversity and inclusion activists and organisations I look up to

I’m not a massive fan of listicles, and I feel like they could become exclusionary very easily, but I wanted to talk about a few individuals and organisations I look up to on a daily basis in the space of diversity and inclusion. The content they share can often be challenging, which is why&nb...

How Abortion Activists Are Targeting 2024 for the Win

In a press release dated October 18, 2022, Ms. Magazine executive editor Katherine Spillar stated, “The overturning of Roe v. Wade lit a fire under women voters, especially young women voters, who have the power to determine close elections.” Spillar was responding to a&nbsp...

Moroccan Activists Fighting Against Child Marriage, Are Girls Safe In Morocco?

Women and girls are not safe in the North African nation of Morocco. To safeguard girls, Moroccan activists have been battling against child marriage. Moroccan women’s rights advocates have been advocating for the elimination of child marriage and the importance of women’s empowe...