Tag: Achieved

I’m So Average It Hurts And Yet I’ve Achieved My Dreams. You Can Too.

If I was a grade, I’d be a B. I did really well in school until things actually started to get difficult. Turns out that being top of the class without trying too much ends up in disaster when the work gets hard and you’ve not built any resilience. That’s my story really. I w...

Milestone achieved: STREETH Marketplace opens its doors

We have some exciting news to share with you — STREETH is thrilled to announce the launch of our highly-anticipated STREETH Marketplace! As a digital art platform focused on transforming street art, we’re introducing a revolutionary way for art enthusiasts and collectors to engage w...

Ascribed vs Achieved Identity

One of them involves a move away from ascribed toward achieved sources of identity. The idea is rather simple: in traditional societies, people were defined largely by the circumstances that they were born into, or their ascribed characteristics — who your family was, what “station&rdquo...

7 Language Learning Tips From Someone Who Achieved Fluency

18 years ago I was bottom of the class in French, and by that I mean I got the lowest score in every single test for 2 years in a row — and I mean every single test. After a few short trips to France (2 weeks at a time), a little extra tuition (once a week), and most importantly...