I’m So Average It Hurts And Yet I’ve Achieved My Dreams. You Can Too.

<p>If I was a grade, I&rsquo;d be a B.</p> <p>I did really well in school until things actually started to get difficult. Turns out that being top of the class without trying too much ends up in disaster when the work gets hard and you&rsquo;ve not built any resilience.</p> <p>That&rsquo;s my story really. I was top of the class until about 13, then things got difficult, I had the resilience of a paper clip, got sad and didn&rsquo;t do nearly as well as I could have.</p> <p>I still went to a good university and got good enough grades to land in a fancy corporate graduate scheme but I could have done much better had I built a skill that I know all too well today.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s actually that skill that&rsquo;s ended me here.</p> <h1>I&rsquo;m nothing special, but then again, you don&rsquo;t have to be</h1> <p>For a long time, the longest time, I thought that it was the talented folks who climbed to the top. I thought you had to have A*s coming out of your ears, and experience at Deloitte, P&amp;G and McKinsey to make it.</p> <p>Turns out, maybe not.</p> <p>You know if it&rsquo;s one thing I&rsquo;ve learned from writing most days for the last 1,237 days, it&rsquo;s that hard work out works talent. Am I the best writer? Absolutely not. Will I ever be? Absolutely not.</p> <p>Will I keep writing? You bet.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve got here (mild levels of success on the internet) because I just kept writing. I didn&rsquo;t do anything wild or wonderful, I&rsquo;m so average it hurts but here I am, doing alright and it&rsquo;s just because I never stopped.</p> <p><a href="https://themakingofamillionaire.com/im-so-average-it-hurts-and-yet-i-ve-achieved-my-dreams-you-can-too-b5aef17c122a"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>