Tag: Accent

Grandma’s Accent

You don’t hear your grandma’s accent until you move away from the place she called home the better part of her life. You don’t recognize her accent until you come back, your ears attuned to new accents, other dialects, different patterns of speaking. Only then does her accent appea...

Nuances of the French Accent

The primary difficulty that Francophones have with an English accent, or any English learner for that matter, are those sounds that are non-existent in their native language. Though as English speakers we agonize over the French rs, uires, oues, and more nasally sounds, the French hav...

What is Pitch Accent in Japanese and is it Important?

Basically, every word in Japanese is said with a certain intonation. For example, in 機能 (きのう), the first syllable is loud and then the pitch drops off. Whereas in 昨日 (きのう), it starts low pitch, goes high on the second syllable and then drops back down. There are basically 4 su...