Tag: Absolute

Missing Data Demystified: The Absolute Primer for Data Scientists

I’ve been studying this topic for many years now (I know, right?!) but along some projects I contribute to in the Data-Centric Community, I realized that many data scientists still haven’t fully grasped the full complexity of the problem, which inspired me to create this comprehensi...

5 Steps to Be the Absolute Best at Talking to Anyone

The idea of being a lone wolf may seem tempting, especially when you know it allows you to build your own world where you do not have to deal with other people. However, as a social animal, isolating yourself can have a negative impact on your well-being. Talking to people is not only great for o...

This Is The Absolute Best Travel Story I’ll Ever Tell

I don’t even believe it myself, to this day. But this really happened. It isn’t a big secret that I love to travel. That’s what I write about all the time and I even have a publication for my travel stories, called “The Starving Tourist”. Even when I can’t t...

Why Mona Lisa Is an Absolute Masterpiece

Let’s talk about the obvious things first. The first obvious thing is that Mona Lisa was astonishingly beautiful back in the day. She might not have Angelina Jolie’s cheekbones or Emma Watson’s eyes, but that’s not how people saw her 600 years ago. The Ancient Greeks...

What Happens When Cooled to Absolute Zero?

This type of equilibrium is called thermal equilibrium, during which reversible heat exchange occurs between systems A and B without changing the states of these systems. Absolute temperature (more commonly known as temperature in the Kelvin scale) is a state function of thermodynamic systems, de...

Deciphering the Impact: Absolute Measures in Epidemiological Insight

“Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.” — Galileo Galilei. In the meticulously detailed landscape of epidemiological research, our quest for clarity and actionable insight often leads us to rely on absolute measures of association. These measures, specific...

The Absolute Crisis of Loneliness

When you find yourself in a moment of true crisis and can’t find a single person to give you a hug and tell you that everything’s going to be okay, that’s a serious problem. It’s not a problem with you, even though you probably feel like it is. I understand how absolutely ...