This Is The Absolute Best Travel Story I’ll Ever Tell

<h2>I don&rsquo;t even believe it myself, to this day. But this really happened.</h2> <p>It isn&rsquo;t a big secret that I love to travel. That&rsquo;s what I write about all the time and I even have a publication for my travel stories, called &ldquo;<a href="" rel="noopener">The Starving Tourist&rdquo;.</a></p> <p>Even when I can&rsquo;t travel abroad, I love to explore places close to home. Whether it&rsquo;s a park that is an hour away or a new camping site in Ottawa, I&rsquo;m game to check it out! After all, the summer is short in Canada, so we need to take advantage of it when we can.</p> <p>Since COVID relaxed it&rsquo;s ridiculous grip on the world, we&rsquo;ve been able to get around a little more. So, we&rsquo;ve been up to going around to parks, hiking, and just going to more places in general.</p> <h2>This is when the weird things started happening.</h2> <p>First, we stopped by a place called Lake Wilcox. It&rsquo;s a beautiful little kettle lake in Richmond Hill, Ontario. I think it&rsquo;s one of my favourite places but we don&rsquo;t get to go often because it&rsquo;s always crowded. You really have to go at off peak times.</p> <p>Well, that time, we were walking along the park and suddenly see some familiar faces. Oh! I bumped into my aunt and uncle. They are retired and like to go out and about. Well, that was a surprise! We greeted each other and chatted a little. Then we went about our merry way.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>