Tag: .NET

.NET Source Generators with .NET 7

.NET source generators provide a framework level utility to dynamically generate source code both at dev time and build time — whether that’s whole classes, individual functions (using C# partial classes), or strongly-typed runtime bindings. To better understand what this me...

The LinQ Bible in C#: From Basics to Best Practices

LinQ C# Foundations: Building Blocks for Success Before we embark on our exciting journey of mastering LinQ in C#, it’s vital to understand where LinQ came from and how it fits into the C# language landscape. By familiarizing ourselves with key LinQ concepts and components, we’re layi...

Task vs ValueTask in C# .NET

Hello Fellow Readers, Welcome back again to this new interesting topic in the world of .NET (C#)software development. When working with asynchronous programming in C# .NET, you often come across the need to return asynchronous operations as results. Traditionally, the Task type has been...

The Ultimate Guide to nnU-Net

During my Research internship in Deep Learning and Neurosciences at Cambridge University, I used the nnU-Net a lot, which is an extremely strong baseline in Semantic Image Segmentation. However, I struggled a little to fully understand the model and how to train it, and did not find so much help ...

In Memory Caching in .NET

In the ever-evolving world of web development, one thing’s for sure: speed matters. And one nifty trick we’ve got up our sleeves to turbocharge our ASP.NET Core apps is caching. In this article, we’re going to take a laid-back stroll through the fascinating world of caching, whi...

Mastering .NET Development: Best Practices for Clean and Maintainable Code

As a seasoned software engineer with 10 years of experience in .NET and C# development, I have learned that writing clean and maintainable code is essential for a project’s long-term success. In this blog post, I will share some of the best practices and tips for writing clean, efficient, and ...