.NET Source Generators with .NET 7

<p>.NET source generators provide a framework level utility to dynamically generate source code both&nbsp;<em>at dev time and build time &mdash;&nbsp;</em>whether that&rsquo;s whole classes, individual functions (using C# partial classes), or strongly-typed runtime bindings.</p> <p>To better understand what this means, check out this capture below; when I add the&nbsp;<code>Product</code>&nbsp;entity class, the&nbsp;<code>ProductRepository</code>&nbsp;type&nbsp;<em>is created automatically by the generator:</em></p> <p>Adding the Product class automatically produces the ProductRepository class</p> <p>There is no&nbsp;<code>ProductRepository.cs</code>; this purely generated class is detected by the language server (for autocomplete) and gets added to the source tree at build time for static type checking,&nbsp;<em>but generates no actual file and requires no additional work&nbsp;</em>except to declare the&nbsp;<code>Product</code>&nbsp;type!</p> <p>Aside from the release of LINQ and&nbsp;<code>System.Linq.Expressions</code>&nbsp;to support it, source generators are one of the key .NET platform meta-features. It can seem out-of-reach for everyday use cases, but in this article, we&rsquo;ll explore how easy it is to incorporate it into your own projects.</p> <p>In this exercise, we&rsquo;ll explore source generators in the context of building a data access layer that allows us to dramatically reduce some of the more tedious, boiler-plate work involved. We&rsquo;ll see how we can create a generator so that declaring an entity type automatically generates the scaffolding required to interact with that type.</p> <p><a href="https://blog.devgenius.io/net-source-generators-with-net-7-a68f29b46e74">Visit Now</a></p>