Unity VR-Teleport Locomotion Continued

<p>As of now, due to the default presets we enabled in our project, teleportation is set to the right controller&rsquo;s grip. The right controller grip is typically used to grab things in VR games, so we need to make an adjustment.</p> <p>If we examine the Default Input Actions and the way things are configured, we can&rsquo;t simply change the input, as it would replace functions that we need. Fortunately, the XR Interaction Toolkit has provided us with a default solution from the Sample Starter Assets we can apply, known as the Action-Based Controller Manager.</p> <p>If we look into the Complete XR Origin Set Up Prefab that is included with the XR Interaction toolkit Starter Assets, we&rsquo;ll see that they&rsquo;ve split up the interactors into their own child objects.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:318/1*SldEUq-kqdmkpNRguw8Qmg.png" style="height:238px; width:318px" /></p> <p>If we compare it to what we have, we need to get rid of a few things. Let&rsquo;s begin with the Right Hand Controller.</p> <p>Since we&rsquo;ll be splitting up our Interactors into Child Objects, we can take a few things off of our Right Hand Controller. We don&rsquo;t need the XR Ray Interactor, Line Renderer, or Line Visual because we will be adding all of that as a child.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@kennethmclachlan11/unity-vr-teleport-locomotion-continued-351100faf400"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: VR Teleport