The End Of Desire: Rejecting Unhealthy Attractions

<p><em>The end of the desire is the end of the unhealthy pull: the dynamics that keep you chasing after unavailability, the need to do things you know deep down are self-sabotaging, and that goes against your instincts.</em></p> <p><em>It&rsquo;s the relinquishing of the need to have someone else to make you feel whole. It&rsquo;s the space that&rsquo;s created when you begin to relate from a sense of worthiness that puts you equal to others.</em></p> <p>Desire is a complex impulse to manage in dating and relationships because it tells us that there is someone specific we should want or even need. It can trick us into believing that the chase is worth the fight, even when red flags are abundant and those around us think otherwise. It blurs logic, and pushes us into directions that in hindsight we wonder,&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Why did I do that for so long?&rdquo;</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>