Nintendo: An example of a trustworthy brand

<p>Given the rapid changes in the business field, companies have to stand out and at the same time gain the trust of their customers. In other words, they have to create a strong brand. In our next session we became familiar with what it takes to build trust in your brand and with the so-called &ldquo;Iconic Moves&rdquo;.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*NDeFsVefiOY1zKXVt0Tk-Q.png" style="height:244px; width:431px" /></p> <p>In order to get a better understanding of how these iconic moves are implemented by companies, we chose to present a case study of a brand that is very successful and has been for years a top choice for customers. And it&rsquo;s none other that Nintendo! Nintendo has had a strong presence for years in the interactive entertainment industry and has evolved by adapting to the latest market demands and incorporating innovations to its products. Characterized by its&nbsp;<strong>responsiveness</strong>, Nintendo has managed to cater to a wide audience by developing stories, characters and game concepts, some of which are the biggest commercial successes and have made the brand a prominent leader in its field.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>