Three Ways for Managers to Earn the Trust of Their Employees

<p>As we noted in&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">last month&rsquo;s post</a>, trust is a critical component in any professional relationship. Employees need to be able to trust their leaders, while also feeling like their leaders trust&nbsp;<em>them</em>. Maintaining this kind of two-way trust is difficult, but by no means impossible. In our view, there are three essential elements for managers looking to earn the trust of their direct reports.</p> <p>1) Prioritize Honest Feedback</p> <p>Often, when we think about trust, we think about&nbsp;<em>comfort</em>. When we feel fully&nbsp;<em>comfortable&nbsp;</em>with another person, we take that as an indicator that we truly trust them.</p> <p>Actually, though, trust may sometimes require some uncomfortable situations. This is particularly true in the relationships between managers and employees. Managers often face the need to provide workers who have fallen short with some words of direct, even&nbsp;<em>blunt&nbsp;</em>feedback. This may make both parties feel a little awkward, but actually, the manager who provides honest feedback and constructive criticism is demonstrating a willingness to tell the truth, even when doing so is difficult. And that&rsquo;s an important prerequisite to trust.</p> <p>Employees generally prefer to know where they stand, whether it&rsquo;s during an annual review or a more casual check-in. And most of the time, employees will feel a greater sense of trust toward managers who offer direct, clear guidance, as opposed to masking their opinions or beating around the bush.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>