What ARE Traditional Values, Anyway?

<p>I propose to provide an itemization of what is meant by &ldquo;traditional values&rsquo; that is neutral to religion, agnostic to politics, and nonetheless faithful to the culture that, by being scolded and ridiculed when not forcibly obliterated, testifies always to the robustness of its effects and the resilience of its pedigree.</p> <h1><strong>First, Let&rsquo;s Dispel the Prohibition on Such Questions</strong></h1> <p>Tradition, in this context, gets short shrift, but mainly from people who don&rsquo;t know what it is. Modernists dismiss it cynically as superficial or hypocritical. Traditionalists misrepresent it as including pet biases, political preferences, and religious peculiarities. What is dismissed necessarily exists, and what is misunderstood has at least at one time been understood. So what is meant by traditional values?</p> <p><a href="https://asherblack.medium.com/what-we-mean-by-traditional-values-c2cded99c584"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>