What to do after a Total Knee Replacement

<p>When considering rehabilitation from your knee replacement, it is important to firstly understand what exactly has happened in your knee. When you have a knee replacement, it is usually because the cartilaginous surface (outer lining) of your femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone) have worn away, resulting in the underlying bone rubbing, as shown in the picture on the left. On the right, you can see what your new knee looks like. The ends of the bone have been removed and replaced with prostheses. In some cases, the under surface of the patella (knee cap) is also replaced. This is dependent on the amount of wearing of the cartilage on the patella. Your physio can help explain this further if needed.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@hawthornphysio/so-youve-had-a-knee-replacement-now-what-6804a6fede3c?source=tag_recommended_feed---------262-85----------melbourne----------39a105bf_475d_455b_bd1d_30c10e258d45-------"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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