As I Walked Out This Morning

<p>As I walked out this morning<br /> caressed by a light-fingered breeze,<br /> the fat clouds piled above me<br /> like mounds of sweetened cream.</p> <p>Anticipation led my feet,<br /> an urge to rediscover<br /> what neither age nor weariness<br /> should dominate nor smother.</p> <p>As I walked I saw nine ducks<br /> splashing in a pond.<br /> I thought:&nbsp;<em>I&rsquo;ve seen these ducks before</em><br /> and so continued on.</p> <p>And as I walked I heard two hawks<br /> calling to each other<br /> I thought: I&rsquo;ve<em>&nbsp;heard those calls before</em><br /> and so continued on.</p> <p>And as I walked I smelled the grass<br /> that morning newly mown.<br /> I thought:&nbsp;<em>I&rsquo;ve smelled cut grass before</em><br /> and so continued on.</p> <p>All the usual sensations<br /> surrounded me this day;<br /> <em>a passable delight,</em>&nbsp;I thought,<br /> numbed by my sluggish brain.</p> <p>Then as if slapped by an unruly wave<br /> my soul snapped to attention;<br /> no longer apart but commingled<br /> with the forces that shape my intention.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Morning Walked