Preparing My App for Swift 6

<p>Swift 6 won&rsquo;t be released in 2023 anymore, that has been&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">made clear</a>&nbsp;by Doug Gregor from the Swift Language Workgroup. But did you know that Apple has already shipped parts of Swift 6 in 5.8? Yes, it&rsquo;s true. Some parts of Swift that shipped with Xcode 14.3 a few weeks ago are&nbsp;<strong>turned off by default</strong>. They will be turned on once Swift 6 comes out, which might take another year, or even longer.</p> <p>These features introduce some breaking changes to Swift, for example by renaming known APIs, adjusting their behavior, or adding new safety checks to the compiler. But they will all get turned on at some point to help improve our code bases. And we will have to update our projects to play nicely with those changes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Swift App