Five ways to gain focus and get more stuff done

<p>A quick question &mdash; are you the kind of person who feels like there often isn&rsquo;t enough time in the day to get stuff done that you want to?</p> <p>Whether it is at work or personal stuff, I have often found myself with a to-do list as long as my arm, knowing that there isn&rsquo;t any chance that I&rsquo;m going to get everything done.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s something that I&rsquo;ve been actively looking to change over the last couple of years (I have no hair left to pull out anymore!) so here are five methods that I&rsquo;ve found useful when it comes to getting to the bottom of what I need to do.</p> <h2>1. Time-block your day</h2> <p>Most of us will have a to-do list and the chances are that it&rsquo;s jam-packed full of tasks, most of which haven&rsquo;t been ticked off several months later. To combat this, I have started time blocking and it has been a revelation in terms of getting stuff done.</p> <p>For those of you who haven&rsquo;t tried it before, time blocking is about taking your scheduling time on your calendar to complete a specific task. Need to book one of the kids a swimming lesson? You&rsquo;ve got half an hour after your lunchtime phone call, so stick some time in your calendar to do it then.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Focus stuff