No Contest: Small Pharma Innovates Better than Big Pharma

<p>The drug manufacturers who defend this practice argue that any attempt to mitigate these high prices will &ldquo;harm innovation.&rdquo; But they make this claim without establishing the relationship of &ldquo;Big Pharma&rdquo; profits to innovation and to improvements in public health. Indeed, despite the claim that profits fuel innovation, high-value drug development emerges most often from&nbsp;<em>unprofitable&nbsp;</em>startup companies with fewer resources and substantially smaller revenue streams.</p> <p>In this paper, we undertook a detailed review of 428 FDA drug approvals and financial data from more than 4,000 pharmaceutical companies to examine trends in drug innovation between small and large pharmaceutical companies. We found the following:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Small Pharma