A Strikey Sisters Review

<p>Strikey Sisters was first released for computers in 2017 by developer DYA Games.</p> <p>Breaking some bricks never gets old, so periodically I pick up a rendition of breakout. A few years ago that was Wizorb. This year it was Strikey Sisters. Unfortunately for the sisters, Wizorb is much better as are most Arkanoid games. Strikey Sisters is&nbsp;<em>fine</em>, but it&rsquo;s annoying to have to constantly tap a button to hit the ball or enemy projectiles. Yes the ball bounces off your character, but striking the ball seems to work better so that you means you&rsquo;re constantly tap tap tapping that button.</p> <p><a href="https://vitorcastro.com/a-strikey-sisters-review-ee22e9f91c0e"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>