Why Your Camera App May Be Better Than A Photo Scanning App

<p><em>In this article I&rsquo;ll walk you through a few photo scanning apps and how you might be better off just using your phone&rsquo;s camera like I did.</em></p> <p>Recently, I&rsquo;ve been organizing a set of 1,000 printed photos from my first weeks as a baby in 1980 to the time of my my engagement with my wife in 2001.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ll be putting all these photos into albums, but first I wanted to digitize them. My Apple Photos library has 55,000 photos of my own family and me since 2002. It&rsquo;s wild to think that my first 20 years is represented in 1,000 photos where my second 20 years is 55 times that amount. By digitizing these 1,000, I&rsquo;ll be able to complete a digital photo library of my entire life so far.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@robertirish/why-your-camera-app-may-be-better-than-a-photo-scanning-app-72da8956fd24"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Scanning App