Salary Negotiation Advice: The 999th Reason Salary History Is Never A Good Starting Point

<p>As a seasoned data scientist with a PhD from the University of Wisconsin, I have always valued the academic side of my profession. Theories, principles, the robust debates that break out over methodological nuances &mdash; it&rsquo;s all music to my ears. As part of my continuous learning journey, I enjoy the intellectual stimulation that comes from perusing academic research articles, keeping abreast of the latest findings, thoughts, and ideas shaping the world of data science.</p> <p>To keep a finger on the academic pulse, I&rsquo;ve turned to the social media tool we all love (or love to hate) &mdash; Twitter. Specifically, I use Twitter lists, a powerful feature for curating content and following conversations in any given field. My favorite list? &ldquo;Scholar Sunday,&rdquo; where I keep tabs on a wide array of academics discussing their latest work. And it was here, scrolling through &ldquo;Scholar Sunday,&rdquo; that I stumbled upon a fascinating piece by Josh Mask.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>