3 Ways to Convert Python App into APK

<p>In August 2020, I started a medium blog series called Building Android App in Python, where I explained the usage of Kivy and Kivymd. These libraries allow you to create cross-platform apps using Python. In that series, I described how android apps are configured in Python, it&rsquo;s limitations, and various key elements that build up an android app. At the end of the series (3rd part), I mentioned that I will convert an app into APK and deploy it on a cloud platform. Here is the article about the same! Here I will discuss three ways in which this conversion can be performed. If you haven&rsquo;t followed this series or you are unaware of this library then I highly recommend you that check out the first part of the series:</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/3-ways-to-convert-python-app-into-apk-77f4c9cd55af"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Python App