A Deep Breath: Practicing Antiracism after an Attempted Coup

<p>Living through ongoing crises is draining! To process continued trauma, or brains require rest. (And when we don&rsquo;t get it, we often perpetuate the culture of white supremacy that fuels these attacks.) Move deadlines, cancel or shorten meetings, lead by example in ending your workday at a reasonable hour, and accept &ldquo;good enough&rdquo; instead of insisting on perfection.</p> <p><em>Note:&nbsp;</em><strong><em>These are all antiracist acts!&nbsp;</em></strong><em>People from the marginalized groups that are targeted by white supremacist attacks (BIPOC, Jews, queer folx) often feel added generational trauma when reading the news and seeing images of nooses, Confederate flags, Nazi symbols, and other symbols that evoke the murders and persecution of our ancestors. The expectation that we are &ldquo;productive&rdquo; while processing this is inhuman. To give significant space for processing it is antiracist.</em></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@nmgazek_dei/a-deep-breath-practicing-antiracism-after-an-attempted-coup-9582c4ff0b6c"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>