Authenticity is My Why: How I lost myself, found myself, and started a podcast on personal branding.

<p>Merriam-Webster (you know, the dictionary) named &ldquo;authentic&rdquo; as the word of the year for 2023. It certainly was for me. I&rsquo;ll tell you why. My why.</p> <p>On December 28, 2022, my friend Sheri and I sat in my kitchen drinking prosecco after a particularly challenging year. After a glass or two we got to complaining about the world of fake experts and people out there speaking and teaching on topics they have no real experience in. In some cases, we had more experience in those areas than they did. And yet, I said, we aren&rsquo;t putting ourselves out there, so can we really complain? To which Sheri (now famously) replied in her faint east coaster accent (stronger after a couple drinks), &ldquo;if you don&rsquo;t tell your story, some blowhard will.&rdquo; Then she said she&rsquo;s always wanted to do a podcast. I enthusiastically exclaimed, &ldquo;let&rsquo;s do it!&rdquo; But we couldn&rsquo;t decide what the topic should be.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>