Noah had Seven Pairs of Creatures…Wait Wha?

<p>Jewish translations are not perfect nor are any other Bible translations. As my last post spoke, the JPS Tanakh mistranslates too in Gen 2:17;&nbsp;<strong><em>Eve was not yet in Eden &mdash; not even yet created </em></strong>&mdash; when God told Adam do not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil&hellip;it was Adam&rsquo;s job to tell Eve what God said&hellip;the exegesis surrounding the proper translation states Adam only told Eve &ldquo;do not touch&rdquo; this tree, and he did not tell Eve exactly what God said, &ldquo;Do not eat&rdquo; from this tree. The mistaken translation leaves out a pertinent word in the translation process. It&rsquo;s at Gen 2:18, which comes after God told Adam not to eat of the tree of knowledge, where God said it was not good for man to be alone, and then God created Eve at Gen 2:21. Translations are not perfect as humans conducted the translation, but we should seek to perfect mistranslations to the original text and meaning. So too these mistakes do not mean the entirety of the translation into English is inaccurate either. There are several words under debate as to what the original intent meant. (Previous Post:&nbsp;<em>Temptress Eve or Honey Wha?</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>