My inner battles

<p>Many of us are plagued with internal battles, battles/arguments that we have inside our heads. This can be about the way we look, the way we are, and your personality. It can be about refraining talks and behaviours&nbsp;that&nbsp;may&nbsp;not&nbsp;be&nbsp;appropriate.</p> <p>I struggled for many years, and to be honest, I still struggle with these inner chatters. I have intrusive thoughts daily, and sometimes they are thoughts I ignore.</p> <p>When I was younger, the inner chatter was about my behaviours and physical appearance. I would put myself down, tell myself I was not deserving, or ugly. My inner battle was sometimes that the world would be better without me in it. These thoughts were dark and intrusive and frankly, scary.</p> <p>I tried telling parents, but they were having their own issues with finances and their marriage, I figured they didn&rsquo;t need my issues to deal with as well, imso I did what most of my peers did, we suppressed our feelings or joked about it to each other.</p> <p>Self-loathing became a part of my everyday, and I walked to escape myself and these inner, negative, talks. How could I escape myself and break free from this?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Tags: inner battles