How to hold employees accountable without micromanaging them

<p>If you&rsquo;re a leader who wants the best outcomes, the natural question to ask is: &ldquo;How to hold employees accountable without micromanaging them?&rdquo;</p> <p>However, this question can feel complicated.</p> <p>As much as you want your team to be more accountable, you&rsquo;ve never been eager to play &ldquo;bad cop.&rdquo; The last thing you want to do is become &ldquo;&nbsp;<em>that</em>&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">micromanager</a>,&rdquo; getting people&rsquo;s nerves by checking in with people incessantly and scrupulously enforcing deadlines. After all, when did the role of a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">leader</a>&nbsp;become the role of a taskmaster?</p> <p>Simultaneously, you feel the swirl of work &mdash; the pace, the volume of it &mdash; consuming you and your team. You wonder if you even have another option than to&nbsp;<em>become</em>&nbsp;&ldquo;that micromanager.&rdquo; Someone makes a mistake. Someone misses a deadline&hellip; Those incidents aren&rsquo;t going to cut it if you&rsquo;re going to get to where you want to go as a team. Though you don&rsquo;t relish in the role, how else are you supposed to keep your team accountable without cracking the proverbial whip?</p> <p>Another option does exist. It&nbsp;<em>is</em>&nbsp;possible to keep your team accountable without micromanaging them &mdash; and with no proverbial whips cracked&nbsp;</p> <p>How, exactly? Here are<strong>&nbsp;9 practices for how to hold employees without micromanaging them&hellip;</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>