This Job Is Not Aligned With My Inner Purpose

<p>Yes, it&rsquo;s a massive privilege to announce that I cannot continue in my job because its basic purpose of bringing in money is not enough to keep me there.</p> <p>But I don&rsquo;t feel privileged when I think about why I can&rsquo;t continue: my nervous system is under siege and it&rsquo;s affecting my health. I&rsquo;m in a constant state of flight or fight, as though I&rsquo;m looking over my shoulder to see the tiger coming. Each day I&rsquo;m jolted into the heightened awareness you might feel after a near miss in the traffic &mdash; except the split second lasts all day.</p> <p>The threat doesn&rsquo;t come from any particular person or environmental hazard. It&rsquo;s as diffuse as the workplace itself and the history I bring to it. The workplace has been a site of trauma for me and I feel as though I&rsquo;m reliving it day after day. I don&rsquo;t think I&rsquo;ll ever feel at peace in a workplace.</p> <p><strong>The trauma workplaces inflict on neurodivergent brains</strong></p> <p>The sense of unease that comes with being a neurodivergent person in a workplace made by and for neurotypical brains is profound. I have felt this in different ways with each job &mdash; communication styles, behavioural norms, organisational priorities &mdash; take your pick. In my current job, I am drowning in admin and case management, an area that is not my strength and never will be.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: inner Purpose