The Inner Pages

<p><em>There is the Tipi for changing. Women are to wear long dresses that cover their bodies. There is a bin of skirts and blouses in a trailer for loan. Women are not allowed in ceremony during the sacredness of their moons. Everyone finds a way to assist. There is sorting volcanic stones, placed in the heart of a bon fire, setting of an alter to house the sacred pipe, carrying cotton and wool blankets from the trailer to cover in layers the willow base which is shaped like a bowl, covered in layers until light proof. This upside down bowl is the rib cage of the earth, the womb, a dark hollow, a shallow pit centered to hold 28 grandfather lava stones, 7 per cycle or &lsquo;door&rsquo;, each stone heating in a bon fire, fed by those who attend. &lsquo;Aho!&rsquo;</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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