I Have Been Meditating Daily for Around Four Years

<p>I have been meditating daily for around four years now. This has changed my life for the better in ways that I cannot even begin to understand.</p> <p>At first, it was a struggle. I tried to make it a habit for quite some time, but I kept failing miserably and repeatedly.</p> <p>I was in desperate need of a quick solution to all the problems I was having: a mind that would not stop ruminating, an inability to cope with stress, and the impossibility of sleeping at night. Issues that are afflicting most people in the contemporary world.</p> <p>All the other things I had tried hadn&rsquo;t helped much and meditation was failing to deliver on the spot what I most needed. Some peace of mind. We&rsquo;re in the age of instant gratification and I&rsquo;m used to quick solutions too, so I kept giving it up.</p> <p>It however kept beckoning me back for some reason.</p> <p>I had heard of too many people whose lives had been improved by this practice to not wonder: if it had worked for them, why wouldn&rsquo;t it work for me?</p> <p>Long story short, I managed to turn meditating into a habit at some point. I&rsquo;m not even sure I remember when or how exactly.</p> <p>Apps have helped. Once I started showing up daily, they made this feel like an accomplishment of sorts. And maybe finally succeeding in doing it for more days in a row helped as well. You know, one needs 21 days of doing something for it to become a habit. Consistency is the key.</p> <p>The thing is at some point I no longer looked for quick results and I began to enjoy the process.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/new-writers-welcome/i-have-been-meditating-daily-for-around-four-years-a04162d77115"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>