HKTVmall App — A UX Case Study

<p>HKTVmall is a popular e-commerce platform founded by Ricky Wong in 2015 which mainly serves Hong Kong people. Often referred to as &ldquo;The Amazon of Hong Kong&rdquo;, it is home to over 4,200 retailers and visitors will be able to find almost everything ranging from imported chicken wings to the latest video game consoles on this platform.</p> <p>Every day, 250,000 people in Hong Kong visit HKTVmall via the website or app. Recently, the pandemic of COVID-19 has given this over-the-top market an extra boost, enabling sales to double in 2020 to HK$2.88 billion on a net profit of HK$183.6 million.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: HKTVmall App