Ghosting: Why Employees Leave and How to Keep Them Engaged

<h1>[This is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, &ldquo;The Retention Formula: Stop The Turnover Crisis, Lock-In Stability And Skyrocket Profits&rdquo;]</h1> <p>Ever wonder why Millennial and Gen Z employees can vanish quicker than a Snapchat? Let&rsquo;s investigate.</p> <p>Here are the top six reasons companies get ghosted by Millennial and Gen Z employees:</p> <p><strong>Work-Life Balance</strong></p> <p>In the quest for work-life balance, Millennials and Gen Zs are looking for more than just a paycheck; their Holy Grail is &ldquo;quality time&rdquo;.</p> <p>Millennials and Gen Zs aren&rsquo;t demanding unicorns and fairy dust; they&rsquo;d just like to clock out before archaeologists excavate them. They&rsquo;re not exactly holding their breath for that magical thing called &ldquo;retirement.&rdquo; Seriously, their vision of the American Dream has been downsized to making affordable guac while bingeing &ldquo;ONE PIECE.&rdquo;</p> <p>Picture Sarah, a talented graphic designer, who&rsquo;s as passionate about her pet projects as she is about her 9&ndash;5 gig. If her job doesn&rsquo;t allow her to cultivate both, you&rsquo;ll find her name missing from your Zoom meeting faster than you can say, &ldquo;Your Wi-Fi is unstable.&rdquo;</p> <p><strong>Career Advancement</strong></p> <p>Climbing the corporate ladder? Please, they&rsquo;re looking for something faster.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>