A Renewed Commitment To Fitness Results In A Small Gain… Er, Loss

<p>I am halfway through. And I have a personal philosophy about the halfway mark of anything: It is the point of no return. If you get halfway through anything, you will get the whole way.</p> <p>Or, at least, historically, I have. And I don&rsquo;t see why this will be any different.</p> <p>Having said that, anyone who&rsquo;s been following along will know that I am not halfway through my actual weight loss goal of 10 pounds by mid-August.</p> <p>Nope. Far from it. It&rsquo;s been 26 days of losing and re-gaining the same 2.6 pounds, almost exactly. (Hey, 26 and 2.6. Whaddup with that?)</p> <p>And I&rsquo;m not blaming anyone or anything but myself and my wavering commitment.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/52-fridays/a-renewed-commitment-to-fitness-results-in-a-small-gain-er-loss-27aec00b3c5e"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Fitness