How do you impact the Financial Returns on your investments?

<p>If you are a anything like I was early on in my career, it was my understanding that contributing to my 401K on a consistent basis was going to be my ticket to a financially stable retirement. However, once I read Tony Robbins book&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&ldquo;Money, Master the Game&rdquo;</a>&nbsp;it became apparent that although 401K&rsquo;s can provide a nice way to save for retirement, we don&rsquo;t achieve the returns that we should because of all the management fees that it requires for these large firms to manage the money and this can cost us huge $$$ based on the compounding interest formula. If we end up averaging 6% returns instead of 8% because 2% is being skimmed off the top to pay for management fees, this can result in large sums of money over a 30&ndash;40 year investing time frame.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>