What is Mara.NFT DAO Incubator legal and financial model ?

<p>Sounds a little mundane? This is the good stuff, the cr&egrave;me de la cr&egrave;me! It contains some juicyyyyy information regarding the Mara NFTs revenue share and goes in depth about the incubator. After a month of intense legal discussions, financial modeling and a lot of wine we are up and running homies! Since we enjoyed the legal stuff so much *cough* We have on-boarded the assistance of two specialists.</p> <p>The Mara.DAO will align the incubators legal and financial model with French music and artist law. We will have two lawyers, one specialized in finance and the other specialized in intellectual property rights. Meaning we are now a fully-fledged legal DAO, an entity with governance that can contain funds and legally use them. Let&rsquo;s dive in and take a look at what this all means.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@maranft/what-is-mara-nft-dao-incubator-legal-and-financial-model-9824c014fa7c"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>