Cryptocurrency, originally conceived as a means of exchange without government control, has finally become a real financial instrument.

<p>In recent years, since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, human history has entered an era of conflict. Clashes of interest seem to span all regions, bringing instability and security threats. In such conditions, many owners of assets and capital began to consider the possibility of transferring their funds to another country, where the situation is more predictable and stable. And, as often happens, increased demand creates supply.</p> <p>Cryptocurrency, originally conceived as a means of exchange without government control, has finally become a real financial instrument, and not just an object of &ldquo;X-net or not&rdquo; and a source of speculation on Twitter. However, this transition happened so quickly that local infrastructure simply did not have time to fully adapt to these changes. Safe, fast and convenient &mdash; yes, but only online. But what are things like in real life?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>