From Idea to App Part 5: The Evolution of an App

<p>In my previous publication, I walked you through the fascinating journey of my app&rsquo;s inception. I shared how the initial idea evolved into a fully-fledged product with a concept, website, database connection, logo, and a carefully chosen name. But the story didn&rsquo;t end there; in fact, it was just the beginning.</p> <p>After releasing the app on the Play Store, I found myself confronted with the daunting task of balancing a full-time job and the demanding responsibilities that came with my app. It was a lot to handle. Working 40 hours a week was only the start of my commitments. I had to invest significant time in coding, designing, and making sales pitches for bar owners. Sometimes, I even took on the role of a photographer to capture the essence of the bars. The sheer workload often felt overwhelming, to say the least.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Evolution App