The Four Mistakes DTC Marketers Continue to Make

<p>Most pharmaceutical marketers continue using dated and mostly irrelevant models. The pandemic has changed the way consumers make healthcare choices and obtain information, and with trust in pharmaceuticals at an all-time low, pharmaceutical marketers seem to be withdrawn from reality.</p> <p>People in the United States are not happy with their costly healthcare. It costs too much and takes too much time to get a recommended treatment. They continue to read about how insurers are dictating treatments and tests, and prices for new drugs are through the roof. In the meantime, DTC marketers keep running TV ads and manipulating data to show that spending more money provides a better ROI when that&rsquo;s not essentially true. Here are the biggest mistakes they continue to make:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: DTC Marketers