Unleash Full Self-Driving — Tesla FSD Beta Version 12 Opens Doors to Customers

<p>Revolutionize Your Drive,&nbsp;Tesla FSD Beta Version 12 Opens Doors to Customers&nbsp;&mdash; Unleash the Future of Autonomous Driving!</p> <p>Tesla&rsquo;s most recent release of its Full Self-Driving (FSD) software, known as version 12.1.2, has now made its way to customers, introducing a host of promised improvements.</p> <p>Initially tested with Tesla employees last year, this update marks a shift toward neural networks, moving away from traditional hard-coded programming. This transition enables the vehicle to make decisions in a manner more akin to human drivers.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@timesmerge/unleash-full-self-driving-tesla-fsd-beta-version-12-opens-doors-to-customers-5d7971972137"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>