Disability Inclusion — the missing piece in DEI efforts

<p>So, let me start this week&rsquo;s blog post by saying that the inclusion of people with disabilities in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts is crucial for creating truly inclusive and equitable workplaces. This is my baseline. My non-negotiable starting point.</p> <p>Actually, let me rephrase that: in fact, there CANNOT be any real recognition for values like diversity, equity, and inclusion in an organization if the policies that are put in place are not being very intentional about welcoming, supporting, and accommodating employees and customers living with disabilities.</p> <p><a href="https://dboudreau.medium.com/disability-inclusion-the-missing-piece-in-dei-efforts-6dd7d312f89"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>