Our Only Hope — Devlog 2

<h1>My Problem With Collisions</h1> <p>Ever since I started my journey in the lower-level stage of game programming, collisions have been the bane of my existence. Even when I used Unity, I had problems with organizing collisions. But I really felt the pain of collisions when I delved deep into game programming. I even once quit making games from scratch entirely and decided to use Godot twice just because of collisions. I ultimately went back and decided to give collisions another try but it still was difficult. Every time I decide to make a proper game that isn&rsquo;t a clone of a classic game like Pong or Space Invader, I always give up when collisions come around. I always stand up and tell myself that I&rsquo;ll do it this time but I just end up suffering for a week and then giving up. I decided to learn Rust just to procrastinate collisions on a game I was working on. I don&rsquo;t regret learning Rust, of course, I still learned something at the end of the day. However, I eventually decided against using Rust (that&rsquo;s a new article idea right there) which, in my eyes at least, was just a waste of time. But why? Why are collisions so hard for me? Well, my friend, it&rsquo;s simple: I slept during math classes.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@moonimooni132/our-only-hope-devlog-2-456b2be5a75a"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Devlog Hope