Alternatives to Fetal Bovine Serum in Cultivating Cultured Meat

<p>In recent times, the realm of lab-grown meat has captured global attention, making significant strides in its development and overcoming various challenges. Just a day ago, Bene Meat, a Czech firm, secured EU approval for its lab-grown pet food, following the approval for lab-grown meat sales in the US earlier this year. With all this action, it is safe to say that lab-grown meat is getting closer and closer to completely revolutionizing our food systems.</p> <p>Now, as you can probably guess, lab-grown meat is meat grown without any animal involvement. Funnily enough, up until very recently, lab-grown meat did vitally depend on an animal-derived substance: Fetal Bovine Serum. In this review, I will be consolidating my learnings from researching on the latest advancements in the field, both from the lens of lab-grown meat as well as general cell culture.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Cultured meat